Interior Design

How to Wind Down Every Evening after a Busy Day

We’re all busy in the day. Most people get up in the morning and start getting things done, without even having enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee before they rush through the door. So the only time they’ve got left during the workweek to really relax, is the evening. Unfortunately, we haven’t built […]

April 21, 2017

We’re all busy in the day. Most people get up in the morning and start getting things done, without even having enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee before they rush through the door.

So the only time they’ve got left during the workweek to really relax, is the evening.

Unfortunately, we haven’t built the right habits and haven’t created a ritual to end the day, so we end up doing random things before we go to bed. That leads to not being able to fall asleep fast, not getting the rest we deserve, and waking up still feeling tired. Which makes us less effective at work and in a bad mood.

Let’s leave this vicious circle by learning how to really wind down every evening, so that we can sleep like a baby and wake up fresher than ever, ready to kickstart the new day.

Here’s how to do that:

Le Bloc TV lift furniture Cabinet Tronx and Turner Development slide

1. Understand the importance of having a ritual to end the day.

Routines are usually underestimated, but they are what brings discipline and order into our days. If you decide on the time to go to bed every night, your mind will naturally tell your body when to get tired and get into sleep mode. Without that mental preparation though, you’ll end up doing different activities in the evening that will only keep your mind activated even longer and not let you empty your head and get to sleep.

Creating a routine, finding what works best for you and sticking to it, is key to your peace of mind and to getting better sleep.

Now that you know that, set a fixed hour for going to bed (it’s alright if you aren’t able to immediately fall asleep at that time over the next week or so, give it time) and let the last hour of your day before bedtime be dedicated to your evening ritual.

2. Leave work behind.

An awful mental pattern is to bring your work home with you. Most people can’t let go of all the problems of the day, or the work issues, and keep thinking about it even in bed.

That’s stressful and overwhelming and over time can lead to depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Your bedroom must be a sleeping heaven, a place to relax and forget about the world outside.

Realize that it doesn’t help to overthink what happened during the day once you’re getting ready to sleep. Instead, get the rest you deserve by doing things you enjoy and some relaxing activities.

3. Let the routine begin with fun things.

If watching TV in bed every night is what you enjoy the most, what helps you relax, turn off your mind and just be in the moment, then that’s exactly how your evening ritual must begin.

In fact, that’s the main purpose of our complete bedroom sets – to have it all in one place and create the ideal bedroom environment for yourself.

It can be for a studio apartment, or a vacation home. You can also choose custom design, and matching night stands or dresser to have the full experience.

The pops up TV lift mechanisms utilize a smooth lift, all thanks to the remote control you’ll be using.

4. Add some relaxing activities too.

After the TV session, when it really is bedtime, try to let go of anything on your mind and just relax.

That can happen by meditating for a few minutes, focusing on your breath and enjoying the silence and peace around you.

You can also journal your thoughts to help let go of any negative emotions, or unresolved issues, or anything else that’s bothering you which you can’t realize easily. It’s a therapeutical practice and you can do it in the morning too.

Another habit you can do at that time, and which will help you not only show your mind it’s time for bed but also get ready for tomorrow and save some time in the morning, is to organize things. Put everything back to its place, decide what to wear and get your clothes ready, maybe prepare your food in advance, write a to-do list for tomorrow, etc.

You can also set aside a few minutes to analyze the day. Think about what you did and didn’t get done, how you performed, what could have been done better, etc. Feel good about doing your best and also excited that tomorrow is another opportunity to get closer to your goals and do productive work.

So that’s how you properly end the day and make sure you wake up fresh and motivated the next morning.